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Find the meaning of your Worship and movement/dance

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About the classes.
Every other Friday from 7-9 PM. Online Via Zoom.  Each class is for 2 hours and $30 each. Look for Promotion packages on the home page.



 Why would you like to take these classes?  Below are just some reasons.


- You will learn not only to worship God in a deep way in regular everyday life but also in movement and dance of worship, even if you never moved before. You will learn pure movements from the scriptures.  It is also very important for those who want to advance their studies in Worship Dance to understand what is behind the scriptures connected with each letter. 

Although some take the worship dance seriously others just move without thinking. 


At Worship Dance Through Hebrew Letters, you learn the fundamentals behind the letters and the movements that are rooted in your heart and memory to create at any time. Because each letter tells a story of life and it can serve to make us think about our own story. 


-You will acquire a great knowledge of what is behind each letter given by God. 


 For example, the first letter that we will see on January 12th is Aleph - The first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It is shown 6 times in the first phrase of the bible in Genesis.  Why God would show his first letter 6 times in the first phrase of the bible?  It is also the letter in the name Elohim and Adonai. So things like these and much more are to learn at these classes.


Just a clue; Aleph represents the Father, breath represents the strength that comes from God the Father, but whatever is behind the design of this letter. (Pictography) it is those things behind the shape and design of Aleph that will surprise you. That might be connected to your own story of life. 

 And especially when we are moving. Aleph brings the purest movements to start the year in a fresh way.


A little more and what to learn. 

The Hebrew letters always lead to other letters, they dance with each other as a poem. They are choreographed by God and there is no way that man could put it together.

Yes, many people find many things online and even preach about the letters, but we need to see several things to understand how to worship God through the movements that God gave to each letter. Because Hebrew letters are movable. They are always linked to something that moves. I just help you to perceive that movement. 


In this class, we will see:  

-What does the letter number mean in the bible?

 -Where did the letter come from (origin) 

-What God is saying through that specific letter. 

-How to perceive movements that come from the meaning of the letter connected with the bible. 

-How to transform the movements into a dance of worship or praise or both at the same time.




January 12, 26; February 9, 23; March 8,22; April 12, 26' May 10, 24; June 7, 21

The first 5 letters 

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